…and triplets make six.

So….we’re gonna give it a go. We are going to attempt to document and provide commentary for this wild adventure that is our life… one post at a time. Let it be known that in no way whatsoever are we claiming to be superheroes (although sometimes we are) and we’re not proclaiming to be any different than every other parent that reads this. Truth be told, we are flying by the seats of our pants. The only thing that we can confidently say, without a single doubt, is that we are proud, semi-new owners of the largest 24-hour, full-service milk restaurant in the neighborhood.

Bottles on deck.

Currently, we change diapers…LOTS of diapers. We wash bottles, nipples, onesies, blankets, swaddles, pacis, burp cloths, and booties. We set up elaborate pallets on the floor designed to educate and entertain infant minds. We feed babies. We are constantly feeding babies. In the beginning, we fed babies eight times a day.  Each feeding/burping/changing session lasted roughly an hour. That was eight hours each day rigorously devoted to newborn dining and wardrobe maintenance. We also keep a three-year-old somewhat entertained a good portion of the time while simultaneously juggling (three) triplets with one, non-dominant hand. If we can do all of this, surely we have something worth sharing with others.

Where you at, Gerber?

Taking all of the above into consideration, we felt like we NEEDED to share our experience with others.  Ever since we (spontaneously) found out that we would be parents of triplets AND a spirited three-year-old, friends and relatives have told us that we should “do a blog or something.” Well…

We’ll give it a shot. Nothing crazy….nothing we can’t handle. Just some “stories from the road” type of stuff. If you choose to follow along, you can meet everyone and get to know us a little better.

The Gang.

Our story begins in “present day” and will more than likely “flashback” to the past, sort of like that other drama about trips, but that definitely ain’t us. We be them.

Abbey & Quillie

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